
A year or two ago I would have started my bio describing myself as an author and teacher. I may or may not have mentioned my single status, but if I did, it would’ve been in a humorous tirade about the daunting feat of dating in one’s thirties. If we got to it, I would have listed my favorites as watching teen tv shows like The Vampire Diaries, enjoying sushi and wine on a Friday evening, and staying up late to read steamy novels about hard-bodied, soft-hearted men, preferably in kilts.

Since giving birth to my son in the spring of 2016, being a mom tops all other descriptors.

When I began to write my new bio I had to stop to consider how I really felt about that. Was I losing these other parts of myself? Did I care?

I am still an author. Becoming a mother didn’t erase the writing I’d done. My fiction writing has taken a back burner for now, but it will be there when I’m ready to return to it. I also still teach full time, and I’m dedicated to my students and subject. I’d be lying if I told you it’s as important to me at the moment than it was before I became a single parent, but I’m finding a work/home balance like every other parent does. Oh, and yes, I am still single. You might think that descriptor is even more important now that I’m a mom, because of the implications of raising a child solo, but honestly in the day-to-day of changing diapers and playing peek-a-boo, there isn’t much time to waste on wondering what life would be like with a partner. Being single was one of the few things that didn’t change when I became a mother.

As for those favorites, well my affinity for kilted fictional studs, handsome fanged hunks, and a rich glass of Cabernet with a spicy tuna roll has certainly not dwindled, even if the time and money to spend on them has. I’m still the wine-drinking, binge-watching, love-scene-reading woman I was. I’ve just added a new role and new passions that currently take precedence.

So in the whirlwind of nursing, naptimes, and childcare costs, my bio may simply read, “I’m a mom of a beautiful little boy.” But that’s a loaded statement. And that’s what this blog is here to explore.

I look forward to sharing with you the adventures, mishaps, and joys that come with single motherhood.